计算广告学 Agency Trading Desks 白皮书


成立于 1910 年的美国国家广告主协会 ANA (Association of National Advertisers),为了教育成员对 ATD 的理解,发布了《Agency Trading Desks White Paper》

来自 Forrester Research 对 Agency Trading Desk 的定义:

A centralized, service-based organization that serves as a managed service layer, typically on top of a licensed demand-side platform
(DSP) and other audience buying technologies; manages programmatic,
bid-based media and audience buying. Works as an agency’s internal
“center of excellence,” supporting agency teams wishing to tap into
this new buying model on behalf of agency clients.

Agency Trading Desks White Paper : https://adexchanger.com/Agency_Trading_White_Paper.pdf